Information about Covid

Dear guests,

First of all, we would like to thank you for choosing the Palazzo Greco boutique hotel for your holidays.
Our goal is to provide you an unforgettable and carefree experience at our hotel in the heart of one of the biggest Mediterranean islands: Crete.
We place the highest priority on safeguarding your personal health and we share your concerns regarding the current situation with Covid-19.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to abide by the law and help us observe and improve all required new measures.
Here are some of them:

Hotel Personnel

  • All staff members know how to deal with the Covid-19 virus.
  • They are also able to provide information to guests and are trained in cleaning and disinfection practices and following hygiene rules to avoid transmitting the virus (frequent hand washing, avoiding handshakes, physical distancing, avoiding hand-eye, nose and mouth contact, and maintaining respiratory hygiene).


  • Check-out is by 11 am and check-in is from 3 pm onwards to give us sufficient time to thoroughly clean the rooms.
  • All room keys are frequently disinfected.
  • The hotel has a medical kit available in case of an incident, which includes disposable gloves and masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, an apron, a long-sleeved robe and a laser thermometer.
  • Signage and floor markings are placed to remind customers to keep the required distance from each other.
  • Non-hotel guests are not allowed to enter the hotel.

Public Areas

  • Hand-sanitizer dispensers are available in public areas and corridors. Elevators are frequently cleaned.
  • Signage and floor markings are placed to remind customers to keep their distance from each other (at least 1.5 m).
  • Regular disinfection of high-contact surfaces (door handles, staircase handrails, etc.).
  • Regular airing of public spaces.


  • Any additional but non-essential items, such as magazines, decorative pillows and covers, have been removed.


  • We pay special attention to the cleaning of high-frequency touch points, such as door handles and elevator buttons.
  • The TV and air conditioner control covers are frequently replaced.
  • Daily cleaning service, as well as changes of sheets, pillowcases and towels, is avoided and is now scheduled as follows: every 2nd day - change of towels and cleaning; every 4th day - change of linen. Housekeeping services can be offered more frequently upon request.
  • The doors and windows of all rooms will be opened daily for natural ventilation.


  • All guests should be seated at the tables, and personnel will serve hot and cold plates that vary each day.
  • If the need arises, additional safety measures will be taken which must be followed by both guests and employees.
  • Signage and floor markings are placed to help you keep the appropriate distance from each other (at least 1.5 m).
  • In addition, hand disinfection is mandatory upon entry.
  • Cutlery is replaced with increased frequency and strict hygiene. Employees ensure that physical distancing measures are followed.
  • Goods are received by specified staff members who always wear gloves and masks.
  • All members of the kitchen staff maintain a safe distance from each other, according to the requirements of the health authorities.
  • Entrance to the kitchen area is permitted only for specific staff members.


  • The frequency of cleaning and disinfection of our pool has been increased, using suitable products. Sun beds and umbrellas are disinfected after each use.
  • The umbrellas are available and set at a distance of 4 m & sun beds at 2 m.
  • Please take a shower before entering the pool.

We thank you for your support during these tough times. We will do our best to keep everyone safe and healthy! We wish you a pleasant and happy stay.
The Palazzo Greco team